Monday, September 24, 2012


September 21, 2012

Today, praxis went to Halifax for a weekend missions trip. We arrived at the Abbey, and then took off to do street ministry. We ended up passing out Chicken Jr’s from MacDonald’s randomly on the streets, at the skate park, a crossdressing club, and Salvation Army. When we went to Salvation Army, I ended up having a conversation with a man named “Wade”, but I feel like he might be slightly crazy, because one of the Salvation Army workers said that it wasn’t actually his name. He started talking about how doing good gets you into heaven, and doing bad gets you to hell. So I sat down with him and tried to explain that it’s not about doing good, because that’s not enough to get to heaven, because heaven demands perfection, and the only way to achieve that is through Jesus and His grace. I gave him the verse Ephesians 2:8 “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith, and this is not of yourselves, it is the gift of God. Not by works so that no man can boast.” He sat there stunned for a little while and finally responded by saying that he’s heard things like that before, but God hasn’t really shown Himself in his life. He thought that God is more about people doing good to each other. I told him evidence of God’s reality in my life. I told him about people in my life that I have seen miraculously healed through the power of prayer that can only happen through God. I told him about the 24/7 prayer movement at Kingswood. He then proceeded to tell me that he has such problems with his ears, that he has had to wear hearing aids for years and years, and sometimes the ringing gets so bad that he just wants to kill himself to make it stop. He resorts to alcohol. I asked him if I could pray for healing for his ears. So badly, I want him to see how real and great our God is. He is healer. Wade told me I could pray for him, but that it wouldn’t make a difference. I told him I was going to pray for him anyway. So I prayed with him for healing. I don’t know what happened, because it was time for us to leave, but I am going to continue to pray for Wade. When God does heal him, he will have no choice but to see how real and amazing our God truly is.  

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a prayer request. =) Keep spreading the light!
