Thursday, September 20, 2012

God is Able.

September 20, 2012

Today I had a friend message me on Facebook asking me to pray for him. He was somebody that impacted my life in a huge way a few years ago, when he was faithful to God and told me that he really felt like God was telling him to tell me that He has a very big, specific plan for my life. It was the first time I had ever heard that, and I haven’t been the same since. But since then, a lot of unfortunate things have happened in his life. His family fell apart, his church crumbled, and he fell into sin that he never thought he would. He sometimes has told me about his struggles, but it has never seemed so urgent. Many times I pray for him when I hear about what he’s going through, but this was the first time he actually asked me to pray for him. I knew that it must be a big deal. I knew that I had to pray for him right then. I have never felt so burdened for him. Right as I felt this, Johanna came to our door and just said, “I don’t know why, but I know I’m supposed to come to your room and pray right now. We just need to pray. I feel this urgency.” It was crazy because I had just told her about how this person had made a huge impact in my life, but I hadn’t told her about all of his struggles. So Johanna, Emily, and I got down on our knees and poured out earnest prayers for him. I started weeping because I felt so broken for him, and I desperately want to see God deliver and restore him. I know that He is able. All I can do is pray and wait in faith.

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