Thursday, July 14, 2011

That which passes my understanding.

          Losing control is a scary thing. Saying "God, this life is yours. I will go where you lead." is risky. Believing and trusting despite the unknown is terrifying. Somehow, it will all be worth it. Someday. The scariest thing is that we will never understand why God chooses to do the things he does. He seriously does work in mysterious ways. But the trick is trust. Do you really trust God with absolutely everything? I thought I knew that answer. I thought I somewhat had things figured out. But then God threw me a curve ball, and showed me that I really don't know much at all... and let me tell you, that's not fun. at all. And I have a confession to make: I'm not perfect. Not even close. Not even a little. I'm a messed up, sinful, human. Anything in me that is remotely good comes directly from him. God is good. And another thing. God is faithful. Always has been and always will be. Someday I'll go into detail about how these thoughts came about, but not today. But I must say the phrase "Easier said than done" has taking on a whole new meaning.


  1. When we realize how inept we are it is scary. I have realized this many times. In fact, I just had that moment.

    However, our ineptness can help reveal how awesome God is. Where we say "can't", He says "can". Where we say "stop", He says "keep going". Where we say "impossible", He says "let there be light" and the universe exists.

    I'm sorry to hear you don't have it figured out, but aren't you glad He does?

  2. hey girl-- i've been going through the same stuff. i love you!

  3. I am so thankful God has it all figured out, because I would mess it up if I knew half what God does. God still throws curve balls for many reasons...whether it be to bust out our pride or help us grow, it's for the best whether we see it now or not.

    Keep trusting and listening. I don't have it figured out, but I'm so glad I don't! Just go for the ride. Not a fan of country, but "Jesus Take the Wheel" is really a powerful song.
