Sunday, June 26, 2011

Rock Tour Recap

          My mind often feels numb... but I thought about it, and really... I absolutely hate feeling apathetic. And if I hate apathy, then I'm really not apathetic am I? This week I went on the Rock Tour, which was a 3-day trip to Kansas City with a bunch of middle schoolers from my church. I lead a small group of 6th grade (going into 7th grade) girls, so I went on the trip as a leader/ councilor/ chaperon type person. Don't get me wrong, I was excited, but I don't think I was fully prepared emotionally and spiritually. I was still stuck on missing camp, and it was hard for me to move past that and go on a new Jesus adventure. At first I was a little disappointed that none of the girls that are in my actual small group were going to be in my small group/ hotel room for the trip, but it was so cool because I immediately connected with the girls that were assigned to me. Again, God so obviously placed our room together. I knew that I was going as a leader and stuff, but I didn't fully realize the responsibility that was being placed on my shoulders. I had to watch them at all times, and hold their money, and the rest of their stuff, and take care of them in the hotel room, and make sure they were on time to everything (which is difficult enough for me because I'm almost always late to everything.), and make sure they ate and drank enough, and wore sunscreen, and didn't die on a roller coaster or drown in a pool (we went to World's of Fun and Oceans of Fun), and lead them spiritually, and so much more. My patience was definitely tested continuously, but that was mostly overcome by my love for them. I started to realize their lack of patience... they wanted to rush everywhere, and go on all of the rides they wanted to go on, and they didn't want to wait in line for anything. For a while I was kind of caught up in the rushing too. Until we went on the tallest roller coaster in the park with a massive drop down a huge hill. As I was about to go on the ride, I said a little prayer: "God, please help me enjoy this and get the most out of these moments. Help me see you."... and as the cart climbed to the top of the massive hill, I looked over the entire city of Kansas City, and just then, a gorgeous sunset was just shining through a break in the clouds... the most glorious thing I've seen in a long time, and a sense of awe combined with peace overwhelmed me, and then we began to fall, and as my hands were raised high, I felt like I was flying... and praising God at the same time. It was the most incredible feeling. Later that night 47 people crammed into one little hotel room to have large group time. The "series" for the trip was called "iShine" basically talking about ways that we shine for Christ. afterwards we broke out into our hotel rooms to have some small group time. So I told them about how we shine. And how shining is really sticking out and not conforming to the pattern of the world. And how the ultimate way to shine is to look like Jesus... who was the epitome of humility... in a world that is incredibly self centered ( I was mostly thinking of myself and how selfish I am, and what God showed me at camp.).  I talked with them about the example of shining as stars, which a friend had pointed out to me a little while ago. (Some stars shine brighter than others.. some come and go, some aren't visible at all, and we are called to shine like those brightest starts that shine among the darkness) I didn't know what verses to use to back me up, so I opened my Bible to a random page, Philipians 2... which contains the two titles: "Imitating Christ's Humility" and "Shining as Stars". It was so perfect. Thank you, Jesus! The entire passage was wonderful, but the verses that stuck out the most which the girls could remember and apply the easiest were verse 3: "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves." and verse 14: "Do everything without complaining or arguing." The last day of the trip, we stopped at a park for a service opportunity. We were going to spend a couple hours cleaning it. After only a short few minutes I was getting fed up with how much my girls were complaining... about everything, but the thing is, they didn't even notice. Finally after about an hour of putting up with it, I finally said "Let's make a pact.. let's try not to complain the rest of the time we're serving... and every time one of us does, we have to get pinched!"... And they took it pretty seriously! I think they started to realize how much they do complain, and they remembered the verse. "Do everything without complaining or arguing."
          On the way home everything started to catch up with me.... even though it had been a fun time, I was weary and overcome by exhaustion... physically, spiritually, and emotionally... and my patience was getting shorter. I don't think I have ever heard my name so many times in such a short amount of time... And when I got home, I realized I have GOT to "fill" myself up more... or rather allow God to fill me up more before I can pour so much into others... especially since I will most likely be doing those kinds of thing the rest of my life. I can't give what I don't have, or else I'm gonna get burned out... which means I seriously need to get more rest... both physically and spiritually "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." - Matthew 11:28. The morning after I got home, I got up to meet up with my amazing Bible study friends at Duos so that we could all see each other one last time before  Hannah leaves for Washington D.C. for 3 weeks. They are my support crew. Seriously, they blow my mind... constantly. The are an insane blessing in my life that is completely indescribable. I love every one of them like a sister, and it is sooo sooooooo evident that God has bonded us together and we are in each other's life for a reason. A very specific and powerful reason. (as cheesy as this all sounds, it's true.). Anyway, they lifted me up so much and encouraged me and prayed over me after I stumbled into that coffee house looking like a ridiculous mess of a zombi. Thank you guys... I can't say it enough. And God heard those prayers, because I have found so much peace and rest in Him.

What are some other things I did on the Rock Tour?
  • Converted several girls into roller coaster lovers.... which are some of my favorite things in the entire world.
  • Found the world's biggest dandelion!
  • Came within feet of a massive snake
  • Helped paint a boy's finger nails
  • Had to pay 4 stinkin dollars for a bottle of water!
  • Got sunburned along with 46 other people on the trip... after applying sunscreen... twice.
  • Peed on a bus without being frowned upon
  • Caught Bieber fever for the first time
  • And obviously soo much more.

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