Monday, September 24, 2012


September 21, 2012

Today, praxis went to Halifax for a weekend missions trip. We arrived at the Abbey, and then took off to do street ministry. We ended up passing out Chicken Jr’s from MacDonald’s randomly on the streets, at the skate park, a crossdressing club, and Salvation Army. When we went to Salvation Army, I ended up having a conversation with a man named “Wade”, but I feel like he might be slightly crazy, because one of the Salvation Army workers said that it wasn’t actually his name. He started talking about how doing good gets you into heaven, and doing bad gets you to hell. So I sat down with him and tried to explain that it’s not about doing good, because that’s not enough to get to heaven, because heaven demands perfection, and the only way to achieve that is through Jesus and His grace. I gave him the verse Ephesians 2:8 “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith, and this is not of yourselves, it is the gift of God. Not by works so that no man can boast.” He sat there stunned for a little while and finally responded by saying that he’s heard things like that before, but God hasn’t really shown Himself in his life. He thought that God is more about people doing good to each other. I told him evidence of God’s reality in my life. I told him about people in my life that I have seen miraculously healed through the power of prayer that can only happen through God. I told him about the 24/7 prayer movement at Kingswood. He then proceeded to tell me that he has such problems with his ears, that he has had to wear hearing aids for years and years, and sometimes the ringing gets so bad that he just wants to kill himself to make it stop. He resorts to alcohol. I asked him if I could pray for healing for his ears. So badly, I want him to see how real and great our God is. He is healer. Wade told me I could pray for him, but that it wouldn’t make a difference. I told him I was going to pray for him anyway. So I prayed with him for healing. I don’t know what happened, because it was time for us to leave, but I am going to continue to pray for Wade. When God does heal him, he will have no choice but to see how real and amazing our God truly is.  

Thursday, September 20, 2012

God is Able.

September 20, 2012

Today I had a friend message me on Facebook asking me to pray for him. He was somebody that impacted my life in a huge way a few years ago, when he was faithful to God and told me that he really felt like God was telling him to tell me that He has a very big, specific plan for my life. It was the first time I had ever heard that, and I haven’t been the same since. But since then, a lot of unfortunate things have happened in his life. His family fell apart, his church crumbled, and he fell into sin that he never thought he would. He sometimes has told me about his struggles, but it has never seemed so urgent. Many times I pray for him when I hear about what he’s going through, but this was the first time he actually asked me to pray for him. I knew that it must be a big deal. I knew that I had to pray for him right then. I have never felt so burdened for him. Right as I felt this, Johanna came to our door and just said, “I don’t know why, but I know I’m supposed to come to your room and pray right now. We just need to pray. I feel this urgency.” It was crazy because I had just told her about how this person had made a huge impact in my life, but I hadn’t told her about all of his struggles. So Johanna, Emily, and I got down on our knees and poured out earnest prayers for him. I started weeping because I felt so broken for him, and I desperately want to see God deliver and restore him. I know that He is able. All I can do is pray and wait in faith.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

September 18th- Compassion

I know it's a day late, but better late than never!

September 18, 2012
Today I wasn’t really expecting an opportunity to show compassion, but then I realized every day is an opportunity. In the beginning of the day, I saw my friend, Emily, have compassion on a girl who was having a really hard day. Everyone else just tried to encourage the girl. But Emily took it a step further and took her out in the hall to pray with her. It’s amazing how powerful prayer is because later that day, the girl experienced God like she never has her entire life. Later in the afternoon, I was chilling in my dorm when I heard a knock on the door. My friend Johanna was crying and could only get out the words, “I need you to pray”… I stepped out in the lounge with her as she explained to me that Satan had been attacking her like crazy.  She said that she has been trying to keep it to herself, saying that she can handle it on her own, but then she realizes that she just can’t. So we prayed together, because Satan has been attacking all of us. Then it was so cool to see her tonight stepping out in faith, boldly and humbly, even though her biggest fear is speaking in front of people, and pray in front during chapel. Chapel was incredible beyond words. How compassionate is God that He would choose to show himself to us in this way, answering our prayers flooding us with his presence? I have never felt the Spirit of God so strongly in my entire life. What an awesome God we serve, the author of compassion, who showers us with blessings in the midst of our imperfection and brokenness!

Monday, September 17, 2012

First Account

          I know that I already have a lot of posts flowing due to my Intro to Compassion Ministry class. But I figured I might as well post the rest of the things I've been writing for my classes. For Personal Evangelism we are challenged to share our faith with a non-believer at least once a week for ten weeks. Every week, we are to write about one instance in which we shared our faith.  Here is my first written account... Background info: Romera House is a soup kitchen/ thrift store with completely free items....

 For our first Praxis trip, I got the opportunity to go to Romera House in St. John. The first couple hours I helped in the thrift store, sorting donations and writing down items that people were taking. That itself was a blessing. It is mind blowing seeing the reality of people that live so close in proximity to us that do not have basic necessities like clothes, blankets, and soap. Then we got the chance to feed them. I stood behind the counter giving hungry people cucumbers and cake. That in itself was also a blessing. But the biggest blessing was being able to sit down and eat along side of them, people who are so hungry in spirit.
 I sat down at a table to eat, expecting to have a simple conversation or two. An older man sat across from me. He was friendly, eager to talk. But the conversation was surface level. I craved for something more, depth, and wondered if any of them did too. Finally the man left, and two women remained sitting by me. One of them, a younger woman, had been completely checked out of any socializing. She seemed really out of it. I asked her what her name was. She told me it was Cherie.
She slowly opened up, beginning with her speaking into me. She told me to hold on to what I have now, taking care of myself and not making the same mistakes she did. She then began to pour out her story of past mistakes, how she got into drugs and prostitution. She felt like God only gave her once chance in life, and she messed it up. In the midst of hearing this, all of my fears, doubts and insecurities melted away. God showed me that this is why I am here. She began to break down. I started to tear up just listening to her, seeing her brokenness. Then she started to talk about how much evil is in this world, recognizing that Satan has so much power on earth. She said it seems like the bigger God gets, the bigger Satan gets. I told her it is true that the closer we get to God, the more the enemy tries to attack us, but God has a promise for us. I told her the verse, Romans 16:20, “The God of peace will soon crush Satan underneath your feet.” She was blown away and had me repeat the verse three times. She then looked over at the wall next to us. There was a poster that simply said “Peace” on it. She teared up again. She then continued to talk about God, saying that she had watched the Passion of Christ. She explained that she gets angry at God for allowing His son to go through so much pain. I had the chance to explain the gospel in full to her. She was enthralled. She had me repeat it several times to her, longing to understand. Finally she said “I get it now!”
I asked her if I could pray for her. She said yes but did not let me even touch her hands. “You don’t want to touch me.” She said. I said that was fine and prayed with her anyway. I don’t even remember everything I prayed. The Holy Spirit was moving. Then when we were done, she gave me a huge hug, even though she initially did not even want me to touch her hands. Then she encouraged me. She told me that she wants me to have the same things I prayed for her. She told me never to let go of my dreams. I asked her if she remembered the verse I told her. She repeated it back to me. I told her never to forget God’s promises to us. Then we parted ways.
It blew my mind how God worked that day. The Holy Spirit allowed me to say things I could never say on my own. I pray that those seeds planted in her will be watered. I pray that she will see God more real than ever before. I pray that she will never forget that day and the promises God has for her. 

An unexpected God

I meant to post this last night, but our internet on campus shuts off at midnight. Here is my compassion journal for yesterday:

September 16, 2012

Today we finished up working with the HYM team doing the children’s ministry in Muncton. As awesome as it was to serve in that way, it was also super draining. I found myself worn out and irritable this afternoon. I started thinking about how it was possible for me to do ministry in the future if I am so easily drained. But then we got to go a service at Harvest House, and it was exactly what I needed. God was compassionate to me, and it made me excited again to be doing ministry. But then I looked over and saw Emily crying. A small group of us gathered around her. She was overcome by the pain of her past, wondering how God could ever use her despite all of her brokenness. I cried with her. But my compassion by comforting her is absolutely nothing compared to the comfort our Father gives. He showed both of us compassion today in a way we never would have expected.